Thursday, October 28, 2010

How many wishes do we have??

Few days back one of my FB friends status had written something very meaningful & made me think it is so relevant to me too. It said "everyone has many wishes, but cancer patients has only one wish, that’s to be cured"..

It really made sense as most people will not know the real feeling of their life ending days or it getting short or knowing that they will die in few months. but they do know they get old and then there will be a day for them to say good bye to this world. So coz of that their wishes will be more based on be more rich earthly things or be better than another etc until they reach their dying days.

What would happen if god let them know the age that every human gonna live, like having a expiry date on their body or anyway of saying how long he or she will live. I’m sure then this would be better place than this and they will care for each other more than now as they know when they will lose their loved once or friends around them and try to appreciate them more.. for example as we try to use the food that we buy from supermarkets before it get expired. Maybe it would be not work as it say. but I’m sure most will try..

Everyone would love to live longer or have one extra day and I guess all the ppl who are suffering from all these incurable sickness wish for more time and disabled peoples also would be having similar wishes as any cancer patient wishing for cure or reverse the time to the day all it happen, so they can change the past for a better present. It’s a very kind and humble wish I guess, only person who will understand how much its mean to them who have experienced something like that..

So when you wish next time make wish something useful and meaningful as these. coz one day we will all leave all the earthly things coz when the time comes you will have leave all these wishes came true to others… and then it will be only count all the heavenly things you earn in heaven..

Thanks for reading and have a great day... don't forget to comment your own opinion below.. gob bless you all..

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thinking of me???

sometimes when I'm all alone
wondering what you do all alone
if your thinking of me
then I wish you was close to be

sometimes when I'm feeling sad
wondering if you too feeling the same bad
if you were thinking of me
then I wish I was next to be

sometimes when I'm in my dreams
wondering if you feel the same screens
if you were think of of me
then I wish our friendship always be

Friday, October 22, 2010

Why we want best friends? do we?

Sometimes it hard to live with out a friend in your life even if ur living in a big family. Coz you need a outside to be open when ur not comfortable saying it to your family. But sometimes you have your own family who take part as your friend. But does it work?

Have been with many friends in my life. moment you give more room to one special friend as your best friend in ur life, you expect more from them. is it right to do expect more out of them when ur been more to them and honest? or is it wrong to ask it?

I think one of the biggest problem of losing friendship is not been honest and lying. Sometimes ppl and so called friends lie so that they may not want to hurt that persons feelings or maybe they want to be gentle on them so they might not be able to handle the truth. But what if the person who they lie suspect their lying and find out they lie more to cover that lie? is it ok to lie like that and what if this person who lie is ur best friend? 

Its so strange why friends do this when they where highly appreciate as a best friend out of all. something like this happen recently in my life and it did hurt me more than made me angry.. So what shell I do? Shell I forgive this friend coz that person was my best friend or shell delete all their memories and forget them. ??

There is a saying that person who hurt you more will remain more in ur mind than ur enemies.. Most ppl would chose the second option of delete them from there life or maybe will take revenge by hurting them back.. But for me I would say love them and forgive them as we all do mistakes. But I don’t think I can have that person as my best friend as trust is broken more than the friendship and it will only make me expect more as friend from them.

So I think having a best friend is a great blessing and a great risk if you’re a true friend. Want all the bloggers to leave comments on this as I would love to hear from them..