Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Duties of humanbeing

A humanbeing has three particular duties to fulfill in his life. They are; firstly duties towards the God who created you, secondly duties towards fellow humanbeings to be good to them and thirdly duties towards environment in that you do not pollute it. You follow these three precepts and the world will be very peaceful. God bless all of you.

Friday, December 17, 2010

some quotes to your life..

The greatest gift you can give to a special someone is your time.. its like you’re giving the portion of your life that you can never bring back..

The greatest thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and weaknesses and still lovers you and thinks you’re the best friend in their life

Past is experience, present is experiment and future is expectation. Use your experience in your experiments to achieve your expectations..

I’am the author of my own life.. unfortunately I’am using pen and I cannot erase my mistakes nor would I want to.. for those are the most important lessons I have learnt in my life book..

To get to the rainbow.. you must first go through the storm.. just don’t forget to dance in the RAIN…

Life can be hard sometimes and look uncompromising bit god doesn’t give you more than you can handle and everything works out as it should for a reason..

Anyone can stay true to your face.. it’s the people who stay true behind your back that really count.

Life’s hard bit you always gotta keep your head up, jeep going, stay strong and when life gets tough, you always have people who love you to keep you going..

Things that leave a scar are just going to make you even stronger

Don’t wait for something to happen.. make it happen. If it works out its meant to be.. if it doesn’t let it go..

Monday, December 13, 2010

the Pencil and the ERASER

Pencil – I’m sorry

Eraser – for what? You didn’t do anything wrong

Pencil – I’m sorry because you get hurt because of me. Whenever I make a mistake, youre always there to erase it. but as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time..

Eraser – that’s true.  But I don’t really mind. You see I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day I know I’ll be gone and you’ll replace me with a new one. I’m actually happy with my job. So please stop worrying. I hate seen you sad..

I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Our parents are like the erasers in ur life. Pencils are like children. They are always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way they get hurt and become smaller or older and eventually pass on. Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse) but parents are still happy with what they do for their children and will always hate seeing their precious ones worry or sad,,

All my life I’ve been the pencil and it pains me to see the eraser that is my parents getting smaller and smaller each day. For I know that one day all that I’m left with would be eraser shaving and memories of what I used to have..

Also this can apply to the people who are close to u such as brothers, sisters, your best friends, teachers etc.. you may not know how much they take in for u as your just keep doing mistakes and wait for someone to come and help you to erase you and start it again..  so have a watchful eye on all who come and go.. all may not be able to be the erasers.. but appreciate them who be the eraser in your life.. because that’s what they all need.. nothing more..

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some interesting quotes

Only those with secrets in their hearts could divine the secrets in our hearts.

I am the flame and i am the dry bush,and one part of me consumes the other part.

They say to me, 'Would you know yourself then you would know all people.'
And i say,'only when i seek all people shall i know myself.'

Mayhap a funeral among men is a wedding feast among the angels

If the someone laughts at you, you can pity him;but if you laught at him you may never forgive yourself.
If the other person hurt you,you may forgive him;but if you hurt him as well you will always remember you act as a fool.

I would not be the least among men with dreams and the desire to fulfill them,rather than
the greatest with no dreams and no desires.

When either your joy or your sorrow becomes great, which makes the world becomes smaller.

When I stood front of a clear mirror before you,you gazed into me and saw your image.
Then you said,'I love you.'But in truth you loved yourself in me.

There are only two elements in lovers,beauty and truth;Beauty in the hearts of lovers,and truth is in the arms of the tillers of the soil.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I hope you really know
How much I truly care
Because when I’m away from you
It’s like something isn’t there

Friendship is priceless
And can never be forgotten
Friendship is timeless
And never rotten

Sometimes in life, we need a special person
To listen while we talk. 
A special person who will not discourage or judge
But encourage us as we walk.


The winner is always part of the answer;
The loser is always part of the problem.

The winner always has a program;
The loser always has an excuse.

The winner says “Let me do it for you”;
The loser says “That is not my job”

The winner sees an answer for every problem;
The loser sees a problem for every answer.

The winner says “It may be difficult but it is possible”;
The loser says “It may be possible but it is too difficult”.

When a winner makes a mistake, he says “I was wrong”;
When a loser makes a mistake, he says, “It wasn’t my fault”

A winner makes commitments;
A loser makes promises.

Winners have dreams
Losers have schemes.

Winners say, “I must do something”;
Losers say, “Something must be done”

Winners are part of the team;
Loses are apart from the team.

Winners see the gain;
Losers see the pain.

Winners see possibilities;
Losers see problems.

Winners believe in win-win;
Losers believe for them to win someone has to lose.

Winners see the potential;
Losers see the past.

Winners are like a thermostat;
Losers are like thermometers

Winners choose what they say;
Losers say what they choose.

Winners use hard arguments but soft words;
Losers use soft arguments but  hard words.

Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things;
Losers stand firm on petty things but compromise on values.

Winners follow the philosophy of empathy, “ Don’t do to others what you would not want them to do to you”;
Losers follow the philosophy , “Do it to others before they do it you”

Winners make it happen;
Losers let it happen.

Winners plan and prepare to win

The key word is preparation.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wheelchair user for a day

Wheelchair user for a day

I love ideas like this. We've all heard the phrase, "Try living a day in my shoes." I came across this blog of a student who had to do just that and navigate her campus in a wheelchair.

Everyone in my class has an assignment: spend one day that we are on campus in a wheelchair. Most days we are only in two buildings that are practically next to one another, so it hasn't been a big deal. Today I had to go to another part of campus to hear a presentation (from a motivational speaker who speaks about being in a wheelchair) and it was challenging. On my way over a classmate offered to push me and I was so grateful because the sidewalk was so uneven and sloped in all different directions. Walking on it I would never have noticed, but being in a wheelchair I felt everything.

When I got in to class I met the speaker at the door who must have known immediately that I was doing an assignment of being in a wheelchair for a day and he asked me about what I had experienced so far. I told him frankly I was terrified because I was not in control of the chair all the time and the one I was in had a tendency to slope to one side so I could never really steer straight. He assured me this is not typical and more so the crummy chair I was using. He had great insights on what it's like for someone to suddenly be healthy and then have a spinal cord injury that leaves you paralyzed. He talked on the wheelchair being a mobility aid and that he is not hindered by his disability, but rather the environment. I was so moved by his talk that I decided to wheel myself back to my classroom.

Posted by JLO

Monday, November 1, 2010

Weblog = Expose your self..

Hi Everybody!
One of my dear friends, A girl form space invited me to a weblog game and she want me to expose me more.. so here go's

The worst event in my life: 
Day i got to know that i will not walk again..
The best event in my life:
i think its the day the friend who i fell in love told me she loves me too...
The worst decision in my life: 
trying to rush home with ma bike on the day i met with my accident..
The biggest regret in my life: 
letting go something i loved so badly..
The most effective person in my life: 
Jesus.. coz i learn more about life and the meaning of how to live it and how to care others from his teachings.. 
Do you believe in miracle? 
Yes.. always.. i'm a big believer in them.. coz i have receive so many thing in my life which are like miracles to me..  miracles what make ppl have hope.. 
My wish: 
hmm My wish would be to walk again so then i can make others wishes come true..  
Am I lucky person? 
Oh yes.. i notice that when i saw some other disabled ppl and notice what they have and i dont have.. but i do feel sometimes that i'm also unlucky of what happen to me when all things looked so great in my life before my accident... ------------------------------------------------------------------
My idea about these words:
      Love: Greatest feeling any human can feel and greatest pain they can experience
      Treachery: something can hurt more than physical
      Mendacity: something i hate and hate it more when it done by ppl who i trust..
I do not like whom? 
liars. specially the friends who i'm dear to them
Have I ever broken any body’s heart? 
one.. and unknowingly i think i have done few more.. 
Why this name for my weblog? 
its says it all.. something for someone and only who ever read it will be that someone.. 
Which of my friends in web space (virtual world) do I like the best? 
there was one.. but no more.. now only few more dear to me and if i ask to pick one as all are equal to me now..... ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
A definition of my life: 
love ur neighbor as your self.. 
These words remind me what?
      Peach: A best friend i had.. 
      Tear: painful experience than joy.. 
My eye’s color: Bk brown
My favorite color: Blue... 
Status of answering my phone: 
hmmm most times i hate when it rings.. hehehehe except for a call from a friend.. 

ok guys.. who ever read this make sure do the same.. 

like to point out a theory of Sir Isaac Newton "every action there is an equal and opposite reaction " so keep that reaction going... Expose ur self to others and don't be afraid to do it as other will get to know you more.. but keep ur privet things secrets... ;-) 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How many wishes do we have??

Few days back one of my FB friends status had written something very meaningful & made me think it is so relevant to me too. It said "everyone has many wishes, but cancer patients has only one wish, that’s to be cured"..

It really made sense as most people will not know the real feeling of their life ending days or it getting short or knowing that they will die in few months. but they do know they get old and then there will be a day for them to say good bye to this world. So coz of that their wishes will be more based on be more rich earthly things or be better than another etc until they reach their dying days.

What would happen if god let them know the age that every human gonna live, like having a expiry date on their body or anyway of saying how long he or she will live. I’m sure then this would be better place than this and they will care for each other more than now as they know when they will lose their loved once or friends around them and try to appreciate them more.. for example as we try to use the food that we buy from supermarkets before it get expired. Maybe it would be not work as it say. but I’m sure most will try..

Everyone would love to live longer or have one extra day and I guess all the ppl who are suffering from all these incurable sickness wish for more time and disabled peoples also would be having similar wishes as any cancer patient wishing for cure or reverse the time to the day all it happen, so they can change the past for a better present. It’s a very kind and humble wish I guess, only person who will understand how much its mean to them who have experienced something like that..

So when you wish next time make wish something useful and meaningful as these. coz one day we will all leave all the earthly things coz when the time comes you will have leave all these wishes came true to others… and then it will be only count all the heavenly things you earn in heaven..

Thanks for reading and have a great day... don't forget to comment your own opinion below.. gob bless you all..

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thinking of me???

sometimes when I'm all alone
wondering what you do all alone
if your thinking of me
then I wish you was close to be

sometimes when I'm feeling sad
wondering if you too feeling the same bad
if you were thinking of me
then I wish I was next to be

sometimes when I'm in my dreams
wondering if you feel the same screens
if you were think of of me
then I wish our friendship always be

Friday, October 22, 2010

Why we want best friends? do we?

Sometimes it hard to live with out a friend in your life even if ur living in a big family. Coz you need a outside to be open when ur not comfortable saying it to your family. But sometimes you have your own family who take part as your friend. But does it work?

Have been with many friends in my life. moment you give more room to one special friend as your best friend in ur life, you expect more from them. is it right to do expect more out of them when ur been more to them and honest? or is it wrong to ask it?

I think one of the biggest problem of losing friendship is not been honest and lying. Sometimes ppl and so called friends lie so that they may not want to hurt that persons feelings or maybe they want to be gentle on them so they might not be able to handle the truth. But what if the person who they lie suspect their lying and find out they lie more to cover that lie? is it ok to lie like that and what if this person who lie is ur best friend? 

Its so strange why friends do this when they where highly appreciate as a best friend out of all. something like this happen recently in my life and it did hurt me more than made me angry.. So what shell I do? Shell I forgive this friend coz that person was my best friend or shell delete all their memories and forget them. ??

There is a saying that person who hurt you more will remain more in ur mind than ur enemies.. Most ppl would chose the second option of delete them from there life or maybe will take revenge by hurting them back.. But for me I would say love them and forgive them as we all do mistakes. But I don’t think I can have that person as my best friend as trust is broken more than the friendship and it will only make me expect more as friend from them.

So I think having a best friend is a great blessing and a great risk if you’re a true friend. Want all the bloggers to leave comments on this as I would love to hear from them..